Policy & Funding 101
Let's face it...planning, designing, and construction of infrastructure cost money. The largest source of Active Transportation (i.e. walking and biking) funding in the state is the CA Active Transportation Program (CA-ATP). Created on September 26, 2013, CA-ATP consolidated existing federal and state transportation programs, including the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA), and State Safe Routes to School (SR2S), into a single program. The ATP administered by Caltrans. The purpose of ATP is to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation by achieving the following goals:
- Increase the proportion of trips accomplished by biking and walking,
- Increase safety and mobility for non-motorized users,
- Advance the active transportation efforts of regional agencies to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals,
- Enhance public health,
- Ensure that disadvantaged communities fully share in the benefits of the program, and
- Provide a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many types of active transportation users